Binance Academy Courses Today Quiz Answers | Free Claim NFT Certificate

Binance Academy Courses Today Quiz Answers | Free Claim NFT Certificate:  Binance Academy is an educational platform that offers a range of courses related to cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology, and trading. Binance blockchain fundamentals quiz answers, Here are some of the courses offered by Binance Academy:

  1. Blockchain Fundamentals: This course provides an introduction to blockchain technology and its applications.
  2. Cryptocurrency Trading for Beginners: This course covers the basics of trading cryptocurrencies, including how to read charts and execute trades.
  3. DeFi Explained: This course explains the concept of decentralized finance (DeFi) and the different protocols and applications in the DeFi ecosystem.
  4. Security Best Practices for Cryptocurrency: This course teaches best practices for securing your cryptocurrency holdings, including how to use hardware wallets and multi-factor authentication.
  5. Introduction to Crypto Economics: This course provides an overview of the economic principles that underpin cryptocurrencies, including supply and demand dynamics and inflation.
  6. Technical Analysis for Cryptocurrencies: This course teaches how to use technical analysis to identify trends and make trading decisions in the cryptocurrency markets.
  7. Bitcoin and Blockchain History: This course explores the history of Bitcoin and blockchain technology, including the origins of Bitcoin and the evolution of the blockchain ecosystem.
  8. Crypto Market Analysis: This course covers market analysis techniques and strategies for predicting price movements in the cryptocurrency markets.

These are just a few examples of the courses offered by Binance Academy. To explore more, you can visit their website at

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Binance Academy Courses Quiz Answers

Binance Academy Courses Quiz Answers Today– Refresh Here

Binance Academy Courses Quiz Answers Today, Binance Academy Courses Today Quiz Answers | Free Claim NFT Certificate – Join Telegram Channel

Course 1: Blockchain Fundamental Quiz Answers

Module 1: Introduction to blockchain technology

Q) How does a block connect to another?

Answer: Through the use of hash functions

Module 2: Brief history of blockchain technology

Q) Which of the following statements is/are correct?

Answer: A, B, C, and D

A: The idea behind blockchain technology was described as early as the 1990s

B: In January 2009, Bitcoin came to existence when the first Bitcoin block was mined

C: Satoshi Nakamoto received a reward of 50 bitcoins when the first Bitcoin block was mined

D: Vitalik Buterin started the development of a new blockchain-based distributed computing platform called Ethereum

Module 3: How does blockchain work

Q) Blockchain technology can be used by a network of strangers who don’t trust each other by relying on a mix of:

Answer: Game theory and cryptography

Module 4: Blockchain consensus mechanisms: PoW and PoS

Q) What are the differences between Proof of Work and Proof of Stake consensus mechanisms?

Answer: B,C, and D

B: Proof of Work requires expensive equipment and high energy costs; while Proof of Stake doesn’t

C: Proof of Stake selects validators pseudo-randomly, while nodes compete to solve a block in Proof of Work

D: Proof of Stake requires validators to hold and stake the native cryptocurrency, while Proof of Work doesn’t.

Module 5: Blockchain network structure: nodes and forks

Q) What is a soft fork?

Answer: B and D

B: Soft forks are upgrades to the network that are backward-compatible

D: Soft forks are considered “opt-in”

Module 6: Blockchain use cases and limitations

Question: Which of the following statements is/are correct?

Answer: A, B, and C

A: Sending money via blockchain can be fast, and incur low fees

B: DeFi aims to create a more open, inclusive, decentralized, and transparent financial system

C: Blockchain can make supply chain interactions between businesses smoother and more efficient.

Course 2: Crypto Fundamentals Quiz Answers

Module 1: What are cryptocurrencies?

Q) How are cryptocurrencies different from digital currencies?

Answer: A and C

A: A cryptocurrency is a digital currency in which transactions are verified and records maintained by a decentralized system.

C: Cryptocurrencies are an implementation of blockchain technology, while not all digital currencies are.

Module 2: Introduction to Bitcoin

Q) Which of the following statement is/are correct?

Answer: A, B, C and D

A: Bitcoin was created to meet the need for an electronic payment system based on cryptographic proof instead of trust

B: Bitcoin remains the largest cryptocurrency in terms of market capitalization

C: Bitcoin has a limited supply of 21 million coins in total

D: May 22 is Bitcoin pizza day

Module 3: Understanding different types of cryptocurrencies

Q) What is the key difference between a coin and a token?

Answer: C

C: A coin is the native asset of a blockchain, while a token is built on top of the blockchain

Module 4: Centralized and decentralized exchanges

Q) Which of the following statements is/are correct?

Answer: A, C and D

A: The two main types of crypto exchanges are centralized & decentralized exchanges

C: Centralized exchanges use a middleman to help conduct transactions

D: Decentralized exchanges don’t use a custodian

Module 5: How to use crypto wallets

Q) What’s the difference between a hot and a cold crypto wallet?

Answer: B, C and D

B: A hot wallet is connected to the Internet, while a cold wallet has no connection to the Internet

C: A hot wallet isn’t resistant to online hacking attempts; while a cold wallet is resistant to online hacking attempts

D: A hot wallet is easy to set up, while a cold wallet requires some technical experience

Course 3: Decentralization Quiz Answers

Module 1: Introduction to DeFi

Q) Which of the following statements are true?

Answer: A and D

A: DeFi refers to an ecosystem of financial applications built on blockchain networks

D: In the crypto world, not every financial service is decentralized

Module 2: DeFi use cases

Q) Which of the following is/are DeFi use cases?

Answer: B, D and E

B:  Crypto borrowing and lending

D: Yield farming

E: Decentralized exchanges

Module 3: Smart contracts and DApps

Q) Which of the following statements is/are correct?

Answer: B and C

B: A smart contract refers to self-executing computer programs that run on the blockchain when predetermined conditions are met

C: DApps rely on smart contracts on a distributed network; while mobile apps rely on centralized systems

Module 4: How does a DAO work?

Q) Which of the following statements is/are correct?

Answer: A, B and D

A: DAOs have no central authority

B: DAOs let token holders vote on issues

D: DAOs are decentralized and transparent

Course 4: Web3 & Metaverse Quiz Answers

Module 1: A beginner’s guide to Web3

Q) Which of the following statements is/are correct?

Answer: A, B and C

A: Web 1.0 is “the read-only web”

B: Web 2.0 is a “read-and-write web”

C: Web 3 is “read-write-and-own web”

Module 2: What is the Metaverse?

Q) What is the metaverse?

Answer: A, B, D and E

A:  The metaverse is where users consume information in a fully immersive, virtual, real-time, and three dimensional fashion

B: The metaverse is the internet of experience

D: The metaverse has blockchain and cryptocurrencies as its essential components

E: The metaverse can be virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality

Module 3: Understanding NFTs

Q) Which of the following statements is/are correct?

Answer: A, B, C, D and E

A: NFTs are cryptographic token that represents a unique asset

B: NFTs are crypto collectibles

C: NFTs are not interchangeable with each other

D: NFTs are individually unique

E: NFTs can be used for tokenization of real-world assets

Module 4: GameFi

Q) Which of the following statements is/are correct?

Answer: B,C and D

B: GameFi refers to play-to-earn blockchain games

C:  GameFi allows users to transfer their earnings to crypto wallets and trade them

D: GameFi allows users to stake their in-game tokens to earn rewards.

Course 5: Trading Fundamentals Quiz Answers

Module 1: What is trading and investing

Q) What is the key difference between investing and trading?

Answer: Both investing and trading aim to get a return on an investment, but trading does it over a much shorter period

Module 2: What are fundamental analysis and technical analysis?

Q) Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?

Answer: Combining fundamental and technical analysis can reduce risks and improve your analysis.

Module 3: Utilizing fundamental and technical analysis

Q) Which of the following statements is/are correct?

Answer: A and B

A: Combining fundamental and technical analysis can help create even stronger analysis when trading and investing

B: Traders and investors don’t just have to stick with one type of analysis

Module 4: Understanding market trends and cycles

Q) In a bearish market trend, the price is:

Answer: Mainly decreasing

Module 5: How does psychology impact the market

Q) Which of the following statements is/are correct?

Answer: A, B and C

A: Market psychology is one of the main topics of behavioral economics

B: Market sentiment is an average of the overall feeling of the market participants

C: In market psychology, no single opinion is completely dominant.

Course 6: Trading & Investing Strategies Answers

Module 1: Portfolio and risk management

Q) Read the sentences and answer the following question.

Answer: II only

D. Liquidity risk is the potential for loss from not easily finding buyers and sellers.

Module 2: Trading and investing strategies 1: Day trading and swing trading

Q) Which of the following statements is/are correct?

Answer: B and C

B. Day trading requires a significant time investment.

C. Swing trading positions are usually held anywhere from a couple of days to a couple of months.

Module 3: Trading and investing strategies 2: Scalping and buy & hold

Q) Which of the following trading strategies is the most suitable for beginners?

Answer: Buy and hold

Module 4: Understanding technical analysis indicators

Q) Which of the following statements is/are correct?

Answer: B and D

B. Relative strength index is a momentum indicator that shows whether an asset is overbought or oversold

D. Bollinger bands are made up of three lines

Module 5: Building a well-balanced crypto portfolio

Q) What are some general rules worth considering when building a well-balanced crypto portfolio?

Answer: A, B, C and D

A. Allocate new capital strategically to avoid overweighting any one area of your portfolio

B. Rebalance your portfolio if needed

C. Split your portfolio between high, medium, and low-risk investments and give them appropriate weightings

D. Always do your own research and only invest what you can afford to lose

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